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Hi, I've finally managed to progress through the game and although it still has its drawbacks, I'm enjoying it. I've reached the point where it tells me that I have to travel to the center of the galaxy, but I can't do it because it tells me that I have to get 50 Time & Space Relics... And even though I have more than 50, I still get the same message. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

There are two requirements that you need to pass story progression wise, first you need to go to the planet Kylk (with the big egg on the mountain) to download the Cartogropher's Sphere data, and then finally visit Pallas Base and talk to the Progenitor inside the base within the cave.

Once you've passed the two requirements, the game will let you pass IF you have the 50 T and S relics and completed the two story requirements.

Hello, I'm not referring to a specific bug, like the one saved in Base Vita, but to the fact that the version that can be downloaded from Itch io is from July 2024... That is, one of the first of all, which does not include the later patches and is riddled with bugs that do not allow progress in the game. Please, put the link to one of the most recent versions, although I don't know the latest one, because with the version that is now downloaded from ITCH io the game is broken. Thanks

Hey there,

Sorry for the issues, the GOG installer for is now uploading and will be ready shortly. I'll post an update once it's done! For version reference, 1.2 is the Major and Minor, and 0130 means released 30/01. This installer also includes the Director's Cut of the original game that was released yesterday too.

You'll be able to download the new installer through normal means on

The update is now up:

Hello, I bought the game and I would like to enjoy it, but the truth is that it is practically impossible... The version that can be downloaded from itch io is old and full of bugs. The save game gets corrupted, the missions disappear and there is no way to advance in the game... A pity, because I wanted to play it... Please, put the most updated version on itch io

(2 edits)

Hi there,

We are currently uploading a new build to Steam, GOG and GOG produce the installer within a couple of hours, so as soon as the new version goes gold we will link it within the purchase as usual.

In the meantime, here is a link for mitigation around this issue that applies to all releases;